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How I Stay Connected During Social Distancing

Man oh man this has been a hard few months for us extroverts. I think that introverts would also agree that this has been a CHALLENGE to be away from people in a large capacity.

I’ve tried really hard over the last few months to think of ways to stay connected with my friends and let them know they are not far away from my mind.

Here are a few things you can do to stay connected with the people you love the most!

1. Send A Card: I L O V E to get mail! Who doesn’t love receiving mail? That feeling of seeing a letter addressed to your name…melts my soul. While you are watching TV at night and binging that series you’ve watched 100 times, write your pal a sweet letter or card and drop it off in the mail during your lunch hour the next day. Easy and senti way to stay connected!

2. VENMO: Venmo is a luxury and I think that it is a brilliant way to send money to your people. Send your friend $5 for a coffee on you or if you have to miss their birthday or life event, send them a little money to let them know you are thinking about them.

3. ZOOM or FaceTime: This is the ultimate luxury and the beauty of technology. We get to see our people on a screen when they are miles upon miles away! How awesome is this? Call up your girlfriends and you all pour yourself a glass of wine and “hangout” via zoom or FaceTime!

4. Send a Postcard: I read that someone I knew sent their friends a postcard from the vacation they were suppose to go on this summer. I thought that was such a wonderful idea! So, if you were unable to go on that vacay you were hoping to go in this summer, order some postcards from that place and send them to your people.

5. Book Exchange: Reading a great book right now? Once you’re finished, mail it to a friend who you feel needs to hear the message in or you feel would enjoy the story! Add a special little personalized message inside and encourage your friend to “send it forward” to another friend once they are finished!

6. Drive-by Visit: I did this a many times during quarantine and I can’t tell you how hard it was not to hug my littles and my friends, but a visit is a visit. I feel like “tailgating” has a whole new meaning. I still think social distancing is vital for our health, so a driveby visit is always a good idea to continue to play it safe! 

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