Practicing Gratitude Daily

I’ve taken on a new, intentional, daily hobby, practicing gratitude. I would consider myself a grateful person, but I didn’t realize that personally I need to practice this daily to feel fulfilled as a person.

I live for the moments where I can tell someone thank you and feel appreciative. Think about those moments where you feel thankful or grateful. These moments are typically associated with happy memories or moments, right? Who doesn’t want to feel happy all of the time?

I feel like a broken record when I say this, but I’m human like all of you reading this. I get caught up in my thoughts at times. If you’ve experienced this, you know at times it’s hard to get out of your head.

I know for me personally, it happens more times than I would like. I take this year as my year of growth and learning. I decided to give myself a break and stop being so hard on myself for how I feel, but I refuse to make excuses for myself.

One thing I decided to do recently was intentionally practice gratitude, daily. For me personally, this has become my new norm.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos. Honestly, I can give into it every day if I weren’t strong enough, but I refuse to entertain the chaos and I am choosing to be grateful.

I’m not saying every day will be rainbows and butterflies because that isn’t reality, but I think there’s something I can find in each and every day to be grateful for.

I can’t tell you how this has changed my days.

Just like moths, we are attracted to the light. I know for me personally, on a sunny day I want to be outside in the sunshine soaking it up in it’s entirety. I compare this to my life and I think this analogy applies perfectly. If I have the mentality to always gravitate to the positive and good in my life, I will find something(s) to be grateful for every day.

Ways To Practice Gratitude:

  1. Tell others that you are thankful
  2. Write a positive review
  3. Give back
  4. Thank someone for changing your life
  5. Start a gratitude jar
  6. Share yo ur daily gratitude with others
  7. Start a gratitude list or journal
  8. Cuddle your pet
  9. Start a gratitude wall
  10. Be grateful for the most important person in your life- yourself!

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