Homemade Chicken Soup Recipe

Since January is national soup month, the weather is erratic and everyone seems to be sick, a chicken soup recipe seems to be the way to go!

My grandmother’s chicken soup is the perfect immune booster. When I was little I use to call it “magic soup”. Every time I was under the weather, my grandmother came to the rescue with this soup. Even as an adult, she still makes this for me whenever I am sick (or had too many cocktails the night before;) I can report that it in fact works like “magic!”

Here’s the recipe:

  1. Cut up half of a chicken.
  2. Fill medium sized pot with water until chicken is covered.
  3. Cut up a small onion and add to water.
  4. Add in a can of vegetarian vegetable soup.
  5. Add in 1/2 a cup of rice.
  6. Cook on high for 15-20 minutes.

*To determine readiness, rice will fluff to cooked consistency.*

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